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(PM-2315) UAV/Drone Use in Construction: Case Studies and Best Practices

Primary Author: Paul Levin, PSP
Co-Author(s): Neil D. Opfer, CCP CEP PSP FAACE

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Research
Venue: 2016 AACE International Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada

Abstract: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) more commonly referred to as drones have become increasingly popular tools for the construction industry. This paper explores case studies of the utilization of drones for construction project management and controls. These case studies include how users of UAVs/drones are applying these tools as force multipliers to assist personnel in construction safety, inspection, productivity analysis, job progress, energy audits, marketing and other tasks. However, drones themselves pose their own risk and hazards, such as mechanical/electrical failures turning the aircraft into a falling object that can cause injury or property damage. Therefore, key safety practices such as pre-flight checks and stand-off techniques employed by users of these units, as well as operational best practices that emerge from the case studies, will also be included in this discussion. Finally, the presentation will cover the latest development of FAA drone regulations and how the new rules may impact construction usage.