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(PM-2027) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Construction Management

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Primary Author: Mr Neil D Opfer CCP CEP PSP
Co-Author(s): Dr David R Shields PE

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Research
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: Construction management is faced with constant project challenges of time, cost, and quality performance improvement. Performance improvement means that construction managers must adopt new and different methods for their operations. Utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) offers the possibility of improving a number of project aspects for construction management. UAVs can assist in traditional tasks such as field inspection and aerial photography. They can provide important benefits in areas including productivity and safety improvement. UAV improvements along with that of related technology such as cameras have made their utilization in construction a practical reality. This technology has become increasingly operator-friendly requiring less expertise to achieve professional results. There are certain governmental restrictions in some countries such as those from the FAA in the United States. This paper will explore key issues and benefits in the implementation of UAVs for construction.