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(PM-1811) Importance of Scheduling in Project Management

Primary Author: Mr Abbas Saifi

Audience Focus: Basic
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: Project Management is a broad term applied to various aspects of managing a project. Most Project Managers see themselves as individuals providing customer service to the client. Within that terminology, many Project Managers lapse on some of the important controlling factors that influence the project.

While accounting for the successful completion of the project, many Project Managers focus on the work that is in progress in the field and devote less effort to the work plan, which is the backbone of the project life cycle. In other words, a manager worries so much about the day’s concerns that they do not take time and effort to think strategically.

From this paper, the reader will understand the importance of scheduling for any construction project. This paper will highlight the planning done behind the scenes, the tools available and the need for the Project Managers to get involved in scheduling to improve project performance.