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(PM-4370) Enhancing Affordable Housing Construction through Lean Practices, Takt Planning, and Offsite Modular Integration

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Level: Basic
TCM Section(s)
11.5. Value Management and Value Improving Practices (VIPs)
11.1. The Enterprise in Society
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: The surging demand for affordable housing in areas like the San Francisco Bay Area necessitates innovative construction approaches that enhance efficiency and equity. This paper examines the interplay between lean construction, takt planning, and offsite modular integration to address affordability challenges and promote equitable housing.

The study examines lean construction's waste reduction and collaborative principles aligned with sustainability in the context of offsite modular construction. Takt planning, a manufacturing-derived approach, is explored for synchronized construction cycles and to improve labor productivity.

Additionally, the research investigates offsite modular construction as a transformative solution. The workflow enhances quality control, minimizes disruptions, improves worksite safety, and provides access to labor outside of the construction labor pool. The convergence of lean, takt, and offsite modular techniques creates a comprehensive framework enhancing economic viability, quality standards, and streamlined processes for affordable housing construction.