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(PM-4283) Managing and Controlling Scope Creep in Various Construction Contracts: Case Study

Level: Basic
TCM Section(s)
10.3. Change Management
10.1. Project Performance Assessment
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Under different standard forms of construction contracts, scope creep, which is the uncontrolled increase in the project’s requirements, and ultimately, causes an increase in the project’s duration. In this technical article, the author is addressing the mechanism of managing scope creep under several standards forms of contract, such as The International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), American Institute of Architects (AIA), etc... With an emphasis on the FIDIC standard form of contracts, a case study where several scope alternations took place is illustrated with its results to show the actual methodologies and lessons learned during the construction of a mega and complex project. Consequently, it can be clearly stated that scope creep cannot be prevented, but it can be controlled and managed with the proper contractual mechanism.