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(PM-4224) Lessons Learned - A Culture of Moving Forward

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Level: Basic
TCM Section(s)
11.2. People and Performance Management
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Construction projects are very dynamic with experienced teams executing the work.Without capturing the success and learning areas through lessons learned, even the most experienced teams will repeat failures.3 steps are crucial to ensure a growing lessons learned culture inside construction companies, namely – Identification, Managing & Sharing and finally Formalizing & Standardizing.Even with a robust process in place, there’s no guarantee a strong lessons learned culture will thrive.Systems and tools must be continuously evaluated to ensure they are working for the team.Socializing construction excellence through strong corporate communications is also vital to building the lessons learned culture.Finally, strong stakeholder engagement and collaboration with the client are key to a successful lessons learned program and strong culture surrounding it.