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(OWN-2418) High Performance Owner Project Team: Creating a Competitive Advantage

Level: Basic
Author(s): Joshua P. Rowan, CCP; Sally Love
Venue: 2017 AACE International Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL

Abstract: The record of capital project performance is poor and, in-part, symptomatic of ineffective owner project teams. Much scholarly research has been focused on the appropriate size of the owner organization given a project’s cost, complexity, and other relevant factors. What is perhaps missing from a purely statistical debate is the consideration for having a cohesive team that has a meaningful purpose, robust processes, and a rewarding culture. This essay leverages a term and concept, High Performance Organization, coined by Dr. Andre A. De Waal. This concept has proved elusive so a practical guide is needed to outline strategies and tactics to improve the performance of the owner project team. Research and practical application of the Team Elevation Model will create a sustainable change that improves the financial bottom line of asset-intensive organizations. Applying the four elements of the model will create a competitively advantaged owner project team.