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(OWN-2216) (Panel Discussion) Roles/Responsibilities of Owner Project Managers Versus Project Control Managers

Primary Author: Stephen L. Cabano
Co-Author(s): H. Lance Stephenson, CCP FAACE; John W. Walker; Logan Anjaneyulu, CCP CEP PSP

Audience Focus: Basic
Application Type: Practice
Venue: 2016 AACE International Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada

Abstract: This owner-oriented, open-panel discussion will address the owner project team’s roles and responsibilities on a major oil/gas project. What are the roles and deliverables of the project control manager (PCM)? What are the functions and responsibilities of the owner project manager (PM)? Where do these lines become blurred? The panel will also address the role of the owner as opposed to that of the contactor.

The format of this presentation will consist of a panel of owner project managers and project control managers fielding questions. The panel will address several issues from the panel moderator and then the topic will be offered to the audience for additional questions. At least 3 main topics will be addressed:
- What constitutes a healthy relationship between the PM and the PCM?
- How should the PCM deliver bad news?
- What is expected of the contractor PCM vs. that of the owner PCM?