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(OWN-1695) Games Contractors Play

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Primary Author: Mr. Joseph A. Lukas PE CCP

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2014 AACE International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA

Abstract: Most private corporations and many government agencies have greatly reduced their internal staffing in non-proprietary job functions, including their projects organization. At best, these organizations may have some internal Project Managers, a few cost management personnel and some engineers. This means organizations have to rely on contract suppliers of engineering, construction and even project management to get new capital assets installed. These organizations need expertise in contracting work to ensure work is done efficiently for the best price and schedule. Unfortunately this isn’t always the case!

This presentation will cover the top 10 most popular games contractors use to maximize their profits on contracted work. Specific examples will be discussed based on the presenter’s experiences working as both the owner and service provider. The techniques used by contractors that will be covered will span from the proposal, project staffing, schedules, invoicing and the use of change orders. The advantages and pitfalls in using alliance relationships will also be discussed. Read this paper and learn how to better manage your suppliers of project services.