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(OWN-1873) A Description of Claims Management Practices: An Owner’s Perspective

Primary Author: Mr Jonathan E Haag

Audience Focus: Basic
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: Often times the notion of a claim instills fear in the heart of even the most seasoned project manager. While claims can be a serious issue, a thorough protocol implemented early in project can ease the burden of the project team. Based on the author’s experience with preparing claims as an owner’s representative on recent mega-projects, this paper will discuss how to approach claims management from project initiation to closeout in order to minimize stress on the project stakeholders and maximize favorable results. This paper will highlight the important contributions of each team member and how each one can contribute to the successful resolution of any formal claims or related “rogue” issues that may arise during the lifecycle of the project. This paper will also emphasize the importance of maintaining a “claims protocol” to ensure the team is agile and responsive to issues when and if they emerge; as more often on today’s mega-projects, the question is “When?” and not “If?”.