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(OWN-4308) Main Challenges and Strategies in Utility-Scale Solar Projects

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Level: Basic
TCM Section(s)
3.2. Asset Planning
3.3. Investment Decision Making
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Investments in the power sector increased by around 12% in 2022, surpassing the trillion milestone at USD 1.1 trillion, with 2023 expected to see further growth to almost USD 1.2 trillion. Solar projects represent the largest portion of that amount, with over 300 billion investments worldwide.

Despite a continuous expected growth for 2023, renewable energy projects face increasing challenges, due to cost and supply chain constraints, which are driving profitability down and, in some cases, having investors rethink such capital allocation. For those reasons, concern with the project execution has arisen further, from development stages, and mainly through contracting and construction phases.

This paper describes the landscape for the deployment of utility-scale solar enterprises in emerging markets (where Brazil is heavily invested), the major risks associated with such projects, and recommended practices and methodologies for owners to achieve their targets regarding cost, schedule, and operational requirements.