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(OWN-4271) PM Responsibilities Comparison Model Between Owner and Contractor for a Theme Park Project

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Level: Intermediate
TCM Section(s)
4.1. Project Implementation
11.2. People and Performance Management
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: The current study on the responsibilities of project managers (PMs) focuses on the project itself, where the PM is responsible for safety, quality, cost, and scheduling. However, every project has two parties: the owner and the contractor. Owing to the differences in their roles and interests, they have different priorities and common grounds. By identifying these differences, addressing them, and expanding the common ground, a project can be executed successfully and under control toward its objectives. This study is based on the definition of the responsibilities of a PM in a literature review. A comparison model was developed by utilizing the primary scope of the work and the responsibilities of the PM at each phase from the owner and contractor sides. The model was further explained through a case study of a theme park project. The comparison model presents how the owner’s PM leads project management, whereas the contractor’s PM delivers the project. The model enriches the body of knowledge on project management by analyzing the processes of two major stakeholders to reduce confrontations and increase cooperation.