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(OWN-4253) Applying Lessons Learned From Past Schedules

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Level: Advanced
TCM Section(s)
7.2. Schedule Planning and Development
7.6. Risk Management
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: This paper presents a method to analyze historical schedule data for contracts that experienced delays.The aim is to identify schedule risk factors and incorporate mitigation strategies into future contract development.

At the end of a project a table is created that sums up the overall delays to the project end date.The as-built schedule is measured against the contractor’s schedule at award to pinpoint critical path delays.Each reason for delay is normalized into a percentage of the total delay.This will be referred to as a ‘delay table’ in this paper.To prepare for future contracts of a similar nature, it is recommended to review the delay table to identify applicable risk factors and formulate mitigation strategies.For instance, if a heavy rain event resulted in flooding on a poorly drained site on a past project in the area, the project team can evaluate their new project to assess if the risk of localized flooding will impact their site.If the site is well-drained this risk is not as applicable, and no further action is required.If the site is poorly drained, however, mitigation strategies should be developed to minimize the impact.

Delay tables can also provide another data point during contract negotiations.For example, historical data showing how inclement weather impacted productivity on past projects in the area can be compared with the contractor’s assessment of impact from the same risk factors.Finally, comparing delay tables from similar project types or the same contractor may reveal patterns that lead to changes in how the organization operates.