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(EST-2008) A Case for a Unified Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Primary Author: Mr James Oswell CCP
Co-Author(s): Mr Max M Shoura PE PSP

Audience Focus: Basic
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: This paper addresses the need for the development of a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the purpose of expanding its use. It discusses the background and basics, suitable formats, optimal use for the industry, and how to connect the start with the ultimate goal of integrating data in the engineering and project management practice. The discussion will cover available resources, application linking, and current utilization of these market tools, BIM environment, and the coding structure impact. Also addressed is the varying perspective of owners, contractors, and specialty consultants (cost, schedule, BIM specialists) in linking data and the single point of entry. It is the aim of the authors to focus the industry groups toward unifying the efforts of all segments of the design into construction as a project life cycle, including maintenance. The goal is for a more common WBS platform to improve the understanding and meet the need for interrelating data, in a common coding structure for enhanced integration and better accuracy, increased industry efficiency, and an overall positive return all participants.