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(DEV-4329) (Panel Discussion) Accelerated Career Growth Through Volunteering, an Overused Tagline or a Real Game Changer?

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Level: Basic
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Volunteering within non-profit professional organizations goes hand-in-hand. Volunteering is a great way to not only give back but also gain exposure to new skills, open opportunities for personal growth, and develop oneself professionally, or is it? Will it enhance your resume or take time away from current assignments that could give you the same opportunities if not better career advancement? When assessing your volunteer journey, one should ask questions such as these during different periods in one's career or personal life to ensure each step is fulfilling the growth and development they are looking for. During this discussion, you will hear from five seasoned volunteers not only within AACE but throughout the world impacting a variety of causes. They will highlight how volunteering has driven both their career growth, self-fulfillment, and mental health along with openly discussing the substantial and tangible benefits.