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(CSC-1938) Re-Assessing KPIs and Trend Charts for Staff, PMs and Stakeholders

Primary Author: Mr Mark Stillman
Co-Author(s): Mr John Norwood

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: One of the least developed techniques in managing costs and schedules on programs is the creation and management of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and trend charts. Typically, KPIs are established using standard metrics such as cost, time, quality, and safety. While these metrics will identify big picture trends, they are unlikely to influence change where it matters most --- at the staff level.

AACE International Recommended Practice 60R-10 Developing the Project Controls Plan (“RP60R-10”) identifies the process and methodology necessary to perform assessments, but does not provide insight into the identification or analysis of “change-influencing” KPIs. This paper will discuss three insightful concepts of KPI development that can be applied to programs and organizations to drive positive change during the execution of the work. These concepts are:

- Drilling down to root causes of critical issues
- Creating visual graphs that clarify trends and opportunities
- Adjusting KPIs to influence change at all levels

The goal is that these concepts encourage a new approach to performance assessment within programs and organizations across all industries.