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(CSC-1844) Causes of Commissioning Delays in Industrial Projects in Saudi Arabia

Primary Author: Dr Ali A Shash
Co-Author(s): Mr Asadullah Khan

Audience Focus: Basic
Application Type: Research
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: Commissioning is the process of assuring that an installed facility is capable of uninterrupted operation to deliver products or services as designed. This study is an attempt to determine the degree of commissioning delays at industrial projects and the probable causes of such delays. The required data was collected through a closed-ended structured questionnaire from major owners in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. The results indicated that industrial projects were extended on average 20% beyond their commissioning duration. Outdated commissioning plans, the development time of such plans, partial development of such plans, the late involvement of a commissioning agent, and the late mobilization of facility staff were cited as major causes of delays.

It is anticipated that owners of industrial projects will benefit from the outcomes of this study, improve their commissioning procedures and eliminate, or at least mitigate, the effect of those delaying factors in the commissioning of future projects.