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(CSC-1829) Task Packaging and Project Controls

Primary Author: Mr Adam Carver Lott

Audience Focus: Basic
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: Task Packages, or Install Task Packages, have served as a pre-planning tool across the industry to increase the description of a project’s plan at a micro level to be useable by the craft executing the work. While many projects and companies have begun implementation of their own version of Install Work Packaging, as an elaboration of Construction Work Packaging (CWP) [1], few have explored the possibilities beyond a planning tool. How can schedulers and cost engineers support implementation and reap the benefits of the Task Package? How can these Task Packages be used in Resource Planning, Earned Value, and Change Management?

This paper explores several topics. Pre-planning for progressive elaboration [4] within the schedule and cost account systems. Determining the most value when establishing the resource budget and duration for the Task Packages. Creating one-to-one relationships between Task Packages, schedules activities and cost accounts. Providing individualized performance factors on Task Packages and articulating change. Implementation decision and who should lead.

Topics Explored:
- How to pre-plan for progressive elaboration within the schedule and cost account systems
- Who has the most value to add when determining the resource budget and duration for the Task Package
- The benefits and challenges of creating one-to-one relationships between Task Packages, schedules activities and cost accounts
- How performance factors on Task Packages are used at the micro level to manage risk at the macro level
- How change can be managed and articulated through the Task Packaging