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23R-02: Identification of Activities [May 3, 2007]

23R-02: Identification of Activities
AACE International, May 3, 2007

Price: $0 (Member) / $100 (Non-Member)

This recommended practice for identification of activities is intended to provide a guideline, not establish a standard. This guideline covers a key step in the schedule planning process of the total cost management (TCM) schedule planning and development process.

This recommended practice is for use by the project team members involved in the schedule planning process for any project type and in any industry. Many individuals contribute in the identification of activities, and having an experienced planner coordinate the process improves final quality and adds value to the planning process.

As a recommended practice of AACE International, identification of activities in schedule planning and development provides guidelines for the conversion of scope definition to specific activities and tasks required to complete a program or project. Identification of activities is a key planning step that takes place early in the schedule planning and development process which also includes estimating durations, determining and defining resources, and identifying external project constraints.

The scope definition of a program or project is generally described in various planning and technical documents, databases, or other deliverables. To begin the planning process, information in the scope documents must first be translated into manageable activities. For example, the scope may include the installation of a length of pipeline. Installing that pipeline may require designing, procuring, cutting, welding, erecting, and inspection activities. This process of expanding the high level scope or functional definition into the detailed work required for completion is the practice of “identification of activities”.

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