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(CDR-4301) Daubert Challenge Paper Revisited: The Landscape Two Decades Later

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Level: Advanced
TCM Section(s)
6.4. Forensic Performance Assessment
7.2. Schedule Planning and Development
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Revisit the professional landscape 20 years after the presentation of the paper that started Claims and Dispute Resolution subcommittee’s effort to publish RP 29R-03 for Forensic Schedule Analysis (FSA). In 2003, at AACE’s Annual Meeting in Orlando, the author presented “Surviving the Daubert Challenge: A CPM Expert’s Perspective” that posed a fundamental question whether there existed a technical standard governing the practice of forensic scheduling. The paper concluded that, at that time, the only technical standard appeared to be that CPM principles be used. Fast forward to now, the landscape is vastly different with the publication and wide-scale adoption of 29R-03. This paper will update how the principles governing admissibility of opinions of expert witnesses fit into the current practice of forensic schedule analysis. It concludes with thoughts about the future direction of the development and use of technical standards in FSA.