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(CDR-4255) Seeing Double? How to Address Claimed/Duplicative Costs in Damages and Delay Analyses

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Level: Intermediate
TCM Section(s)
10.1. Project Performance Assessment
9.2. Progress and Performance Measurement
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Often when a large loss occurs, project parties will silo themselves when analyzing the delay and damages claim elements. As construction claim consultants, it is imperative that efforts are coordinated to avoid duplicative and/or incorrect assessment of damages. If not mitigated early in the process, lack of coordination amongst the experts can necessitate a tedious post-hoc resubmission that extends the claim review and approval timeline. Alternatively, lack of coordination can result in increased client costs as multiple parties prepare various claim analyses such as a productivity or measured mile study.

To streamline this process, this paper will discuss best practices for coordinated and integrated analysis and quantification of the damage and delay claim efforts. The paper’s authors, one damages expert and one delay expert, will illustrate how to work in tandem in order to craft a comprehensive and cohesive claim for the client.

Several case studies will be reviewed where claims were impacted or even rejected by the lack of integration between the damages and delay claim sections.