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(CDR-4222) Apples and Oranges: The Need for Comparative Project Guidelines

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Level: Advanced
TCM Section(s)
10.3. Change Management
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: When a measured mile based on similar work in the same project cannot be identified or does not exist, an option that AACE's Recommended Practice No. 25R-03 advises is evaluating productivity on the disputed project and contrasting it with a project of similar attributes (a “comparable project study”). As such, the comparable project study is an important tool when assessing loss of labor productivity within the construction industry. However, there is a lack of standard criteria or guidelines for selection of a comparative project. The claimant bears the responsibility of demonstrating parallelism in project size, magnitude, location, weather conditions, labor dynamics, and other pertinent factors. The closer the alignment between projects, the greater the credibility associated with this method; conversely, a diminished resemblance leads to decreased prospects of successful resolution. This paper highlights the issue of the absence of clear industry guidelines for conducting comparative project analyses, shedding light on its nuanced challenges, and advocating for a standardized framework for identification and evaluation of comparative projects.