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(CDR-4221) On the Intricacies of Evaluating Delay Damages

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Level: Basic
TCM Section(s)
6.4. Forensic Performance Assessment
9.1. Project Cost Accounting
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Delays are a regular part of the construction project lifecycle, necessitating contractors' and experts' quantifying delay damages. Drawing upon the authors' extensive experience in claims management, it becomes evident that many approaches exist to assess delay damages. Notably, even for identical delays, divergent quantifications arise among various professionals. This paper explores the multifaceted landscape of quantifying damages within projects beset by compensable delays.

Presented within are thorough analyses of damages scenarios spanning delays in different project phases, delays coupled with mitigation efforts, and terminations. The intricate nature of delay damages within the construction realm is unveiled through the deconstruction of these diverse scenarios.