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(CDR-4216) (Panel Discussion) Owner, Contractor & Subcontractor Perspectives on Subcontractor Claims & Disputes

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Level: Intermediate
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Many discussions and papers involving construction contract claims and disputes focus time and cost issues from a prime contract perspective. In most EPC / design-build contracts issues subcontractor claims and disputes are an "elephant in the room" and pose interim and final resolution issues for all involved. While the fundamentals of notice, contractual and legal entitlement, causation analysis and quantum development with supporting documentation are fundamentally the same regardless of what level in the contracting chain is being addressed, the addition of subcontractor(s) claims and issues leads to further complications in a journey to resolution and contract(s) close out. This panel discussion brings forward the perspective of an owner, contractor and subcontractor to address common issues and how they are often dealt with on the path to overall resolution.