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(CDR-4214) Integrated Construction Project Subnetworks: Development, Monitoring, and Analysis

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Level: Intermediate
TCM Section(s)
7.1. Project Scope and Execution Strategy Development
7.2. Schedule Planning and Development
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: The development and integration of subnetworks is a practical application intended to improve the monitoring and analysis of a construction project schedule. Subnetworks are groups of logically related activities used to independently monitor progress and calculate float. Linking subnetworks to key milestones is an effective method of monitoring phases, areas, structures, systems, or work categories. Subnetworks or fragnets are also incorporated into a contemporaneous unimpacted schedule update to perform a prospective measurement of schedule impacts. After a delay occurs, retrospective or forensic analysis of a complex schedule often requires the identification and analysis of inadequately planned subnetworks. The planned use of integrated subnetworks improves the hierarchical organization of a construction project schedule and supports progress monitoring and analysis.

This technical paper demonstrates the claims and dispute resolution (CDR) advantages of developing and maintaining a highly organized construction project schedule using integrated subnetworks.