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Study Hacks for Professional Pathways

Study Hacks for Professional Pathways is course is to help students at multiple educational levels develop skills, techniques and strategies to conduct studies in an effective way which includes being as independent as possible.

Study Hacks for Professional Pathways is geared towards students that want a boost with their learning and studying skills. This self-paced 3 module course will provide you with skills, techniques and strategies to conduct studies in an effective way which includes being as independent as possible. This course will also help you build confidence and positive thinking to achieve success at and in school and as a lifelong learner.

Course Competencies:

  • Understand the meaning of learning & studying.
  • Recognize strategies to stay focused and motivated.
  • Improve study and learning success.
  • Determine different learning obstacles.
  • Identify resources to overcome learning obstacles.
  • Practice skills, techniques and strategies of learning & studying.

Begin with Module 1